11 November 2014

Week 8 Lecture

(transcribed from my notes for the week 8 lecture)

Week 8 Lecture Alexander Deverett
Multi-disciplinary artist.
Studied music and sound art. Teaching sotware how to make its own music.
Now does videos, installations, and directing, etc.
From Wigan - lived in Japan for nearly a decade.
Makes art where he programmes a software to draw/paint images. Can do so in a way the software learns and replicates his own art style.
Makes apps for iOS and Android.
Runs a record company.

This guy does EVERYTHING. Calls himself a 'Digital Arist'.
 (I didn't appreciate his jokingly casual use of the word schizophrenic to decribe his working style!!)

Technology of his childhood inspired his future artistry. Messed with home computing and graphics.
Collaborated in school and after with a schoolmate making digital/ computergenerated music.
Specialised in video arts in a 3rd level foundation degree course. Would make music videos, and make his own music for them rather than using existing songs.
Did a 'Phonic Art' degree at univeristy; studied Max MSP.
Studied MA in electronic sound & composition.

Sounds of his music are lo-fi, utilizes dated technologies.
Doesn't look much at other people's works, so he doesn't get too influenced or lose his own inner inspiration.
treatment : the idea for a music video. Includes aesthetic, influences, narrative and examples of execution.
*look up 'worldising' from Walter Merch*

" A technology isn't obsolete if it still turns on"