7 December 2014

Girl Character Design

Apologies for the awful quality - this photo was from my phone since I was too lazy to use my scanner! You can see the semi-erased lines in the background from some awful first attempts. I started to get a clear idea of a form for the girl, just her head and shoulders so far since I'm bad at doing bodies. Her hair, I just realized after doing it, is a bit like Mabel from Gravity Falls, and gives the impression of curliness while still staying pretty stiff and easy to draw. I can't manage to draw her eyes open for the time being, so closed will have to do. At least this gives some sort of impression of how her general features look and relate to each other. The roundness of her face betrays her youth, and gives her an innocent look I think. I have kept her hair off her face, at last for now, because any sort of bangs are hard to draw from various angles so I took the sensible lazy way out